June 26 is celebrated as World Refrigeration Day; this year, for the first time, it has the support of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). The UN support focuses on the need to improve the efficiency of thermal isolation systems as an effective way to reduce CO2 emissions.

The demand for thermal isolation systems is increasing, the health of the community depends on it (vaccines, fresh food …). At the same time, it is urgent that we reduce the demand for energy needed for cooling if we want to eliminate electricity production from burning fossil fuels, the most polluting way of producing electricity.

In this context, an excellent thermal insulation of buildings has become a necessity of the first order. Now for commercial or industrial uses or for homes, the highest quality insulating panels are essential to provide maximum energy efficiency to any type of building.

Panels assembled with mechanical joining systems; continuous panels with joints specifically designed for refrigeration applications; assemblies without sealing where to lose efficiency; closing systems that ensure maximum tightness. All these elements are basic in a context of sustainability and well-being, two concepts that are not at odds, on the contrary, they go hand in hand.

At the Taver® Group we put our know-how at the service of responsible thermal isolation systems, investing with the sustainability of the planet in mind is the best decision to ensure the future.