About us 1

Taver Group

Since 1965 we have been in constant evolution and development, offering constructive insulation solutions, making available to our Clients differentiated and quality products that cover the needs of the market.


At Grupo Taver the Customer has been, and is, the center of everything. Our goal is to obtain the trust of our Clients. A professional career of more than 50 years supports us.


Our wide range of products is manufactured with the best raw materials and the most advanced technology in our two factories with high production capacity. This has allowed us to meet the demands of our Clients, offering them unique products, with the highest quality and features. All this, guaranteeing compliance with the most demanding standards and providing more sustainable products, and more differentiated from the rest.


At TAVER we are governed by a series of essential values: quality, efficiency, innovation, professionalism, energy savings and comprehensive service. All this has led us to create our own Quality Total Taver (CTT) seal. Our R&D&I focuses on continuous improvement in our product portfolio and its characteristics, always placing the Customer at the epicenter of our motivation.


We accompany our Clients from the beginning to the end of each project, to ensure success in each process. To achieve this, in addition to having a range of multipurpose products, we also have an experienced team with extensive knowledge of the sector, solving each project with excellence.

Building Trust

In Taver we adapt ourselves to the needs of the customer. The polyvalence of both our range of products and our human team are dedicated to our customers. Because each customer and each project is unique.

About us 2

Taver human team

At Taver we have a human team of more than 100 people, with a common denominator: versatility, high capabilities, knowledge and experience. All of them are available to our Clients to answer and resolve their doubts and make the projects flow and exceed expectations. Final objective: The satisfaction of our Clients.

About us 3

Our team is made up of responsible, communicative, committed, and reliable professionals, trained to manage all types of comprehensive 360º projects.

About us 4
About us 5

50,000m2 of industrial facilities at the service of our clients



In 1965, the first household appliances began to arrive in Spain. It is then that Mr. Jorge Costa Claver began his career as an individual entrepreneur, founding what is now Grupo TAVER, becoming a manufacturer of washing machines, ice refrigerators, stoves, refrigerators and stoves among other domestic appliances.



In the 70s, there began to be a certain saturation of the home appliance market. In 1974, the company QUALITAS INDUSTRIAL S.A. was established. with which, progressively, it abandons the manufacture of domestic appliances and focuses on the manufacture of two very different products:

- Domestic absorption refrigerators, which run on gas (without electricity)

- Insulating panels for cold rooms

At the beginning of the 80s, our policy of continuous improvement and R&D&I led us to develop and patent a new and revolutionary panel joining system, which we named Instaclack®.

The manufacture of Instaclack panels places Taver as a leader in a growing sector since until then cold storage rooms were mostly built with civil works.



As a result of the growth, Taver builds a second factory in Martorelles, more modern and competitive, to respond to the increasingly growing market demand and greater competition derived from Spain's entry into the EEC.

At the same time, a second company was founded: INSTACLACK INTERNACIONAL, S.A.



Thanks to advances in R&D&I and the knowledge and experience acquired over the years, Taver is consolidating its 6 know-how:

  1. Exclusive INSTACLACK® mechanical joining system
  2. Machine designed specifically for our products, unique in the market.
  3. Taver's own discontinuous production system.
  4. Marketing system.
  5. Global management computer system.
  6. Taver Total Quality Seal. Our quality is endorsed by AENOR, who grants us the ISO 9001 Certification.



At Taver we continued to grow, which is why we expanded and updated our Martorelles factory, doubling the space, locating the two panel production lines in a single industrial space and incorporating new improvements that once again position Taver as the most technologically advanced company in the sector. of discontinuous panel manufacturing.



Our constant R&D&i leads us to have a fully robotic injection system.

Likewise, an automated packaging system is implemented capable of packing all types of packages, from the smallest to packages over 13 meters in length.



In 2016 our headquarters moved to one of the warehouses of the Martorelles factory. More than 1,000 m² at the service of our Clients.



In our commercial expansion strategy, Taver acquires 40% of the most modern and efficient continuous panel factory on the Iberian Peninsula, Peninsular Insulating Panels (PAP).

In this way, Taver now has the most complete product portfolio on the market, from the modular panel with a mechanical joining system to the tongue-and-groove industrial panel.

About us 6


Thanks to having the entire range of Taver refrigeration panels, it is beginning to play an important role in projects in the agri-food industry, both nationally and internationally. It is time to make available to our Clients the experience accumulated over decades in the construction of refrigeration facilities, offering the most suitable product for each project.

About us 7


After years of collaboration and shared strategic vision between the Taver Group companies, they are incorporated into the Purever Industries Group.

This has allowed us to jointly consolidate our leadership in the market for premium solutions in thermal and technical insulation for our different sectors.